After Rocky’s prosperity, the two put in nine years living in houses and seeing Robert do well in school, yet in Rocky V, Paulie incidentally has Rocky and Adrian give their bookkeeper force of lawyer. The bookkeeper accordingly embezzles the Balboas’ cash in a lodging arrangement that turns sour, costing the Balboas their fortune and basically the greater part of their advantages. They did a reversal to Paulie’s old house in South Philadelphia, where Adrian came back to the pet shop. In fall 2001, Adrian found her health was slipping due to ovarian growth. She experienced chemotherapy, yet it was insufficient to spare her. She died, January 11, 2002 with her family close by, age 51.
In Rocky Balboa, Rocky names his eatery after her. Which in real life is Victor’s Cafe in Philadelphia! On the walls of this iconic Philly eatery you will find pics of Adrian and Rocky! Rocky Tour anyone?