Rocky IV (1985)—After winning back the title from Clubber Lang, Rocky decides to spend some time with his family. However, destiny has other plans for him which don’t allow him to leave the ring. A new fighter from the USSR, Ivan Drago (played by Dolph Lundgren), has emerged and challenges Rocky to an exhibition match. Apollo fights instead, and the beating he takes from Drago ends with Apollo dying in Rocky’s arms in the ring as Drago coldly watches. To avenge Apollo, Rocky challenges Drago to a rematch, which is to be held on Christmas Day in Moscow. In a montage replete with symbolism, Rocky is shown training in a remote cabin in Siberia with the help of Creed’s old trainer Duke, his brother-in-law Paulie, and eventually Adrian, doing exercises such as chopping wood, lifting rocks, running in the snow and climbing a mountain, while Drago is seen in an advanced training facility running on treadmills, utilizing weightlifting machines and injecting steroids to boost his strength. During the fight, Rocky takes the worst beating of his life but refuses to fall, eventually winning over the foreign crowd with his display of courage and determination and he knocks Drago out with seconds left in the final round. (source: wiki)