After a failed sitcom (NBC’s “Roomies” 1987, which he created as well as starred in), Young found renewed success on TV playing a variety of gangsters in miniseries like Vendetta: Secrets of a Mafia Bride ( 1991) and The Last Don (CBS, 1997). The busy actor has also essayed similar types in films ranging from Last Exit to Brooklyn (1989) to The Undertaker’s Wedding (1997). In addition to his recurring role on “Walker, Texas Ranger” (CBS), he guest-starred as psycho serial rapist Lewis Darnell on NBC’s “Law & Order” and narrated “City Dump: The Story of the 1951 CCNY Basketball Scandal” (HBO, 1998). Quite honestly his filmography is beyond impressive…he has appeared in “Over 100 movies” as the man himself says…We love you Burt…And we will always stick by the flag: PAULIE’S NOT DEAD!