6) Miliion Dollar Baby (2004) Hilary Swank stars as Maggie Fitzgerald, a young boxer who comes out of seemingly nowhere and wants to be trained and mentored by Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman. Eastwood initially wants nothing to do with her, but he is eventually broken down and leads his young boxer to the top of her game before tragedy occurs. Another tear-jerker of a film that won the Oscar for Best Picture as well as acting Oscars for Swank and Freeman.’ 5) Cinderella Man (2005) Russell Crowe and Renee Zellweger star in the biography of James Braddock, a once promising boxer who has been forced to quit after breaking his hand in the ring. Braddock does manual labor as a longshoreman to support his family, but times get so tough during the Great Depression that he is forced back into the ring in order to make money. And overachieving in his comeback fights, Braddock becomes a fan favorite and pulls off one of the most unlikely of upsets when he beats Max Baer to win the heavyweight title.