In Rocky V, Robert is a 14-year-old student in the honor roll, but when the Balboa family relocates to South Philadelphia due to bankruptcy, he has difficulty adjusting to the rough neighborhood. On his first day in school, he is attacked by two bullies who steal his jacket, but he befriends a girl named Jewel. Despite his parents’ insistence for him to use his mind instead of fighting to solve problems, he undergoes boxing training at Mighty Mick’s Boxing Gym, with Paulie as his coach.



In Rocky V Robert is played by Sage Stallone…Sylvester’s son! He made his acting debut alongside his father in Rocky V (1990), the fifth installment of the Rocky franchise… the onscreen son of his father’s title character. He did not, however, reprise the same role in Rocky Balboa, the sixth installment of the Rocky films as he was working on his own film “Vic”. He also appeared with his father in Daylight (1996).  After that, he acted in lesser profile films.